What is Nurture and why is it so important for schools?
A nurture approach involves coaching our children to help them form positive relationships, build resilience and improve their social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing.
When this approach is used well in schools, it improves attendance, behaviour and attainment, and ensures every child feels safe and ready to learn.

Nurture at Wentworth
At Wentworth, everyone within our community has a strong understanding of The Six Principles of Nurture and of their importance.

The Boxall Profile - Why do we need to assess pupils' wellbeing?
On average, over a third of pupils have some social, emotional or mental health (SEMH) needs.
For one in ten pupils, this need will be high, presenting as behavioural difficulties or diagnosable disorders like ADHD.
However, recent studies suggest that another quarter of pupils will have moderate SEMH needs, which are much harder for teachers to identify, but which can have a significant impact on pupils’ learning.
Therefore, at Wentworth, we have chosen to use the Boxall Profile as the best way to identify, address and monitor the SEMH needs of our pupils. This ensures that every child gets the support they need to engage fully with their education, promoting positive personal development.