Welcome to 3DH

I am excited to get to know your child this year. My mission is to educate your child in new and exciting ways and to guide them in their first year in KS2. I will be joined by Mrs Willis as our class TA and Mrs Forbis in the mornings who will be supporting 1:1 children in the class.

Mr Harrington
Class Teacher

Mrs Willis
Class TA
Where can you find the class:
Our classroom can be accessed from the KS2 playground. Children will enter and exit via door 2 which is by the football goal. Doors will be opened at 8:45am for children to make their way into class. The children will be dismissed by a class adult at 3:15pm.

Equipment the children will need:
A water bottle with a sports top so that it doesn’t spill.
If children wish they may bring in a pencil case, which must be small enough to fit within their tray. Useful items for your child's pencil case include: a pencil, a rubber, a ruler, a sharper, coloured pencils, glue and scissors. We will also provide basic items as needed.
In year 3, the children will work towards a Pen Licence. Children must have consistent neat joined up handwriting to be given a Pen Licence. When they are given this, they will need to bring in a blue ink handwriting pen and a spare pen. Please make sure that the pens are labelled with their name in case they get lost.
Children will be set homework on Friday each week which will be due the following Wednesday. Homework each will include:
A maths or English task.
Termly topic projects.
Spellings to learn for a test on Friday. Each weeks spellings can be practiced using Spelling Frame: https://spellingframe.co.uk
Reading at home 3/4 times a week. Please record reading in the children's contact books.
Times table practice using TTRS https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student / number bond practice using Numbots https://play.numbots.com/#/intro
Learning in Year 3:

The three main topics for this year are: Rainforests and chocolate in term 1&2, Changes in Britain from Stone Age to the Iron Age in terms 3&4 and in terms 5&6 the children will learn about Egypt both Ancient and Modern.
Our medium term plans can be found by clicking the following link:
The children will have daily maths, English and reading lessons. In the afternoon the children will follow the termly topics in history, geography, DT and art lessons. The children will also study: science, music, computing, P.E., French, R.E. and PHSE.
The children will learn through a creative approach and their work will be uploaded to their school-based Seesaw account as a collection of the work they do.
We collect the children’s contact books in everyday monitor home reading. Please continue to read with your child at least 3/4 times a week and record this into their contact books. Reading aloud with an adult continues to be a vital part of their development as readers in Year 3 as the focus moves more towards showing deeper understanding of more challenging books.
Children will also develop their independent reading, increasing the amount of time they read alone.
Some children in Year 2 have already started using Accelerated Reader and already have a ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) score from completing a Star Reader Assessment. The ZPD score is the range of books that will challenge a child without causing frustration or loss of motivation.
Children who have not yet started using AR will will undertake a ‘Star Reading’ assessment in the first term, which will generate a reading range, to enable them to choose appropriate books to read at school and at home. On completion, appropriate reading books will be sent home.
A full PE kit needs to be kept in school from the beginning of the year and will be sent home for washing at the end of each half term.
Children will have P.E. on Tuesday and Friday each week.
Jewellery must be removed before P.E. lessons. If stud earrings cannot be removed micropore tape must be provided to cover earrings.
A full list of the P.E. kit needed in KS2 can be found here:
It is essential that all items of clothing (P.E. kits, school uniform, coats, hats etc.) are clearly labelled with your child’s name, so that mislaid items can returned.
Class communication:
Please use ClassDojo to send messages to me, as messages in contact books may be missed. I will respond as soon as possible. Please send any urgent messages during the school day to the school office, who will make sure messages are passed to a class adult.